
For Business-Builders Only:

Bob Dressman's Business-Building Mastermind

Friday 8:30-5:00

          If you’ve been in real estate long enough that you’re doing deals, but want to go beyond being a solopreneur and build a real business, join this small-group (10 maximum) mastermind with uber-investor Bob Dressman and spend the day solving your biggest BUSINESS problems (like how to hire others, how to get a real business plan, how to automate more, how to structure partnerships, etc.)


          This is a true mastermind (and you know how powerful those are!) where you’ll put your biggest issue on the table—the one that’s stopping you from growing right now—and get advice and answers from lots of smart, experienced colleagues.


          The cost is only $497 for you and a business partner which includes access to the main conference Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.


          This mastermind is not for starters; you’ll need to apply to be accepted…